Data provided by Tiziana Rossetto
We are working on this data
- First description of the first version of the tsunami generator (currently at the third version of evolution) but this describes the basic concept behind the generation of the tsunami through a pneumatic system:
Citation: Rossetto, T., Allsop, W., Charvet, I. and Robinson, D.I., 2011. Physical modelling of tsunami using a new pneumatic wave generator. Coastal Engineering, 58(6), pp.517-527.
- Description of the runup measurements and tests
Citation: McGovern, D.J., Robinson, T., Chandler, I.D., Allsop, W. and Rossetto, T., 2018. Pneumatic long-wave generation of tsunami-length waveforms and their runup. Coastal Engineering, 138, pp.80-97.
- Description of the force and pressure measurements and tests
Citation: Foster, A.S.J., Rossetto, T. and Allsop, W., 2017. An experimentally validated approach for evaluating tsunami inundation forces on rectangular buildings. Coastal Engineering, 128, pp.44-57.