Friday, 11th April

Main Speaker

Francois Schindelé, CEA/DIF/DASE (France) 
"Recent achievements and challenges of the NEAMTWS"  
Invited Speakers
1. Alessio Piatanesi, INGV (Italy)
"Source inversion for tsunamigenic earthquakes"
2. Denys Dutykh, LAMA, Université de Savoie (France)
"Wave propagation over a rapidly varying bottom"
3. Stéphane Abadie, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France)
"Numerical simulation of Navier-Stokes equations for tsunamis generated by subaerial landslides and their impact on the coast"
4. Amos Salamon, Geologycal Survey of Israel (Israel)
"Landslide tsunamis in the Levant – From historical archives to modern simulations"
1. Stefano Lorito.
"Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment"
2. Ángel Amores.
"Tidal influence on high frequency harbor oscillations in a narrow entrance bay"
3. José Manuel González Vida.
"HySEA a model for landslide generated tsunamis"