Weather and Climate

The climate in Málaga is extremely moderate in winter, with very mild minimum temperatures.
Average rainfall is low, 469.2 mm a year, and most of the rains come between November and March. Per year, there are an average of 70.9 days rain, 0.1 days snow, 1.2 days hail, 11.8 days fog; 3.2 dew and 0.1 days frost.
On the other hand, the figures for sunlight are very high: an average of 2,901 hours of sunlight a year. The maximums are in July, with an average of 354 hours and the minimums in December, with 167 hours. This, together with the mild temperatures makes Malaga's climate in winter ideal and its spring and summer weather very pleasant.
The prevailing winds are S and SE and, in general, are never very strong, reaching an average maximum gust speeds over the year of 83 Km/h. The average air pressure is 760,6 mm.

In April...
Temperatures continue to rise during April in Malaga with an average daytime maximum temperature of 20°C and an average overnight minimum of 10°C. The rise in temperature during the spring months tends to be moderated by the proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, for the trend in sea temperature tends to lag that of land temperature and the sea thus increasingly has a cooling effect. This can bring issues with low visibility and, on occasion, sea fog. Due to the fact that the sea breezes tend to peak during the afternoon, sometimes the highest temperature of the day is recorded during the morning or evening. Read more