Tsunami Currents

Tsunami-HySEA. Results for NTHMP's Tsunami benchmarking process for Tsunami Currents









  • The content of this section is based on the work:

Macías, J., Castro, M.J., Ortega, S., Escalante, C., González-Vida, J.M. (2015) Tsunami currents benchmarking results for Tsunami-HySEA. NTHMP report. Submitted the 15/5/2015. [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22999.47527].

  • Lab cases (BP1, BP4 and BP5) have been published at:

Macías, J., Castro, M.J., Escalante, C. (2020). Performance assessment of Tsunami-HySEA model for NTHMP tsunami currents benchmarking. Lab data. Coastal Engineering, 158, 103667, ISSN 0378-3839, [doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103667].

  • Field cases (BP2 and BP3) have been published at:

Macías, J., Ortega, S., Castro, M.J., González-Vida, J.M. (2020). Performance assessment of Tsunami-HySEA model for NTHMP tsunami currents benchmarking. Field cases. Ocean Modelling, 152, 101645, ISSN 1463-5003, [doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101645].


 Landslide Generated

 Propagation and Inundation
