
Turbidity-HySEA model implements the numerical solution of the turbidity current model presented in Morales et al. (2009) with the modifications proposed in Bárcenas (2013). This model takes into account the interaction between the turbidity current and the bottom, considering deposition and erosion effects as well as solid transport of particles at the bed due to the current. Water entrainment from the ambient water in which the turbidity current plunges is also considered. Motion of ambient water is neglected and the rigid lid assumption is considered. The model is one-dimensional and is obtained as a depth-average system of equations under the shallow water hypothesis describing the balance of fluid mass, sediment mass and mean flow.



  1. P. Barcenas. Procesos Morfogenéticos y Evolución Reciente de los Depósitos Prodeltaicos del Sureste de la Península Ibérica: Aplicaciones de Modelos Matemáticos. PhD thesis, Universidad de Málaga, January 2013. [Download here].
  2. T. Morales, M.J. Castro, C. Parés, and E. Fernández-Nieto. On a shallow water model for the simulation of turbidity currents. Commun. Comput. Phys., 9(4):848-882, 2009.

Model Background and Validation
Model Equations
Numerical Scheme
Software Details


