Landslide-HySEA model background and validation

Validation of Landslide-HySEA code comparing numerical results with the laboratory experiments of Heller and Hager (2011) and Fritz et al. (2001) can be found at Sánchez-Linares (2011). A milestone in the validation process of this code consisted in the numerical simulation of the Lituya Bay 1958 mega-tsunami with real topo-bathymetric data in González-Vida et al (2017). This validation was carried out under a research contract with PMEL/NOAA. The result of this project leads NCTR to adopt Landslide-HySEA as the numerical code used to generate initial conditions for the MOST model to be initialized in the case of landslide-generated tsunami scenarios. A related joint research work with PMEL/NOAA consisted in the simulation of a hypothesized submarine landslide at Hudson Canyon. This numerical work was carried out in 2013, and a technical memorandum (de la Asunción et al, 2013) was written.The work published in Marine Geology (Macías et al, 2015), dealing with the numerical simulation of a submarine landslide generated tsunami in the Alboran Sea in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), is the first peer-reviewed paper where a HySEA code is named as such. Currently, we are working on joint work with the Dept Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociènces Marines (GRC Geociènces Marines, Universitat de Barcelona) on a simulation study of the tsunamigenic potential of four submarine landslides located on the Ibiza Channel in the Western Mediterranean Sea was undertaken (see Iglesias et al, 2017).

Landslide-HySEA has participated in the benchmarking process of the NTHMP for landslide tsunami models held at Galvestone, 9-11 January 2017. Link to NTHMP Landslide Model Validation Workshop. description of the model can be found there under the link "Models being tested". The Landslide-HySEA model presentation can also be found there under the link "Agenda & Confirmed Participants".

See References


  Model Equations

  Landslide HySEA