The kind of simplify depth-average models that we are proposing to use, for which the behavior of the lava flow is reproduced under a number of simplifying hypotheses has been extensively used in studies for prediction of the emplacement of volcanic mass flows (Costa, 2005; Macedonio, et al., 2005; Kelfoun and Druitt, 2005; Kelfoun and Vallejo, 2015; Bernabeu, et al., 2013; among many others). The advantages of such models include moderate computational cost (extremely reduced if we compared with fully 3D models), and producing accurate results (Cordonier et al., 2015). Drawbacks include the necessity to assume a constant viscosity value along the vertical profile and that they simulate an isothermal flow. In any case, the depth-average models have proven to be able to simulate the velocity of the lava through time and the extent of the solidified lava (Kelfoun and Vallejo, 2015; Cordonier et al., 2015).
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